One of the most vexed questions believers & non~believers
alike have to wrestle with is: if God is good why does He allow….? We have all
wrestled with why is this person healed but not that one? Why does a cyclone devastate one house while
the house next door is completely untouched? Why is this family, who
desperately want children, unable to conceive while this one aborts their
unwanted child?
There is
a gross misunderstanding that being a Christian somehow exempts you from all
pain & suffering in this world but Jesus is very clear: I
have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will
have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the
The word for trials in the Greek is thlipsis. It means pressure, affliction, distressing
circumstances, distress of mind.
In the 2nd half of
Peter’s 1st letter he
addresses the problem of suffering. He uses a number of different Greek
words. There is peirasmos [4:12]: putting to the proof; paschō: to endure evil [V3:14/18 4:1/2] pathēma:[4:13] affliction; oneidizō [4:14]: reproach, revile.
All of these will, & do, cause us trouble & distress.
In 3:7 Peter says it is better to
suffer for doing good than for doing wrong.
Our minds argue that it is not right to suffer for doing good. That is because we’ve forgotten the
Genesis 1:31 Then God looked at all He had made & He saw that it was very good.
The Hebrew word translated good is tov. Tov
would be better rendered functional, operating perfectly in the manner in which
it was intended. Men & women, plants & animals ~ everything was
functioning exactly as it was intended to function.
We read how God set man in the
garden & made him its custodian but man traded his glory for satan’s lies
& was cast out of the garden. He traded what was functional & perfect
for that which is broken & dysfunctional & so this world’s brokenness
should not surprise us. The world is broken ~ & so are people.
Thus when Christ entered the world
He entered a broken world & because the world is broken He too suffered
Matthew 10:24 says "Students are
not greater than their teacher, and slaves are not greater than their master” John 15:20 takes
this to its logical conclusion in Jesus own words: Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not
greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute
Paul calls this the *fellowship of His suffering* by which we are conformed to His
death, dying to those things in this life that control us.
Paul is even
blunter when he writes to his protégée, Timothy: Yes,
and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer
persecution. 2Tim3:12
A Believer is meant to be a
disciple of Christ’s. A disciple in
biblical times was tied to his Rabbi by a rope & followed so closely the
Rabbi’s dust covered him. By the time His training was complete he was meant to
be a perfect replica of his master. This is the picture Peter has in mind [4:1]
when he says we are to have the same attitude to suffering that Christ
had. We are to have the mind of Christ
in all things.
We like it when we think of the
blessings being in Christ brings us: His authority, His provision, His healing,
yet we bulk at suffering with Him. However Peter points out there is a blessing
in our suffering.
Pauō 1 Peter 4:1 rendered finished means to desist or
refrain. It is true. When some great
trouble assails us we are not tempted to engage in terrible sin unless we are
desperately wicked. Instead we are
focused on the important things: the love of family & friends; our eternal
destination; God’s faithfulness in our trouble. Other things, temporal things,
fall away. It is a great reality check & causes us to be more anxious to do
the will of God.
Now I want to be very clear about
the will of God. God is good. He does not tempt & cannot Himself be tempted. However it is the will of God that we should
obey Him & inevitably in a broken & dysfunctional world this will
create conflict. We will be offered
choices between taking the wide & easy path to destruction or following
Christ through the narrow gate of obedience that leads to Life. God would
rather we choose to suffer for righteousness’ sake than to follow satan, who is
the god of this world, just to escape persecution.
Peter makes it very clear that we
are not to be surprised if persecution happens.[4:12] It is not something foreign or strange. Our attitude makes a difference. Our
sufferings, when they are not brought about by our own sin or foolishness, make
us partners with Christ & proof of the Spirit of Christ being with us. We
are to watch ourselves & take care that we don’t bring justified suffering
upon ourselves by the way we live. Rather suffering for Christ is a privilege
& eventually everyone will stand before God & give an account of
themselves & their deeds. God will never fail His people!
Lastly, in chapter 5, Peter’s final
words revert to proper authority so that there is order amongst God’s people.
Leaders are to lead by example & servanthood. Younger people are to respect the leaders.
He points out that Asia Minor’s suffering is
not unique; Christians all over the world are suffering the same things so they
are not being especially persecuted. This is as true today as it was then. We
are at war. Our adversary is raging like a lion. This world is still controlled by satan until
the moment Christ returns as Lord & King.
This is part of God’s grace for us,
Peter says. Do you find that
strange? Yet think. We will be judged, not we ourselves for we
are redeemed by the blood of Christ, but our works. We will be rewarded. There are crowns for those who overcome. What sort of things do we overcome? Sin.
Suffering. Persecution. The
ordinary & mundane ~ in other words we do our very best to excel in our
Christian walk. We overcome the things that come against us whether they are of
the flesh or of the soul or of the spirit.
And for those that overcome: There is a crown
of righteousness [2 Tim 4:8], a crown of boasting [1Thess 2:19], The crown of
life [James 1:12] , one of Glory [1 Peter 5:4] & an incorruptible crown
[1Cor 9:25].This is the challenge of every Christian in every age: to so abide
in Christ that we willingly allow the Holy Spirit to change us into His
likeness ~ whatever the cost!
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