Monday, 9 November 2015

The Lord's Prayer Rabqa.

Matt 6:7-15

And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation, ,But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

The Lords prayer, is a prayer outline with seven major topics, each represent a basic human need.

1. The Parental Need: Our Father (v9) when you pray all your needs are met by the benevolence of a loving Father.

2. God's Presence: "Hallowed be your Name" (v9). Enter His presence through praise (Ps 100:4) & call Him Father because of Christ's atoning blood (Heb:19-22; Gal 4:4-6).

3. God's Priorities: "Your kingdom come" (v10) Declare His kingdom priorities Rom (14:17) shall be established in yourself, your loved ones, your church, & your nation.

4. God's Provision: "Give us" (v11). Jesus the need meeter, told us to pray daily asking Him to supply all our needs.
5. God's Forgiveness "And forgive us" (v12). You need God's forgiveness, & you need to forgive

others. Daily set your will to walk in love & forgiveness.
6. Power over satan: Pray a hedge of protection about yourself & your loved ones (Job 1:9,10; Ps 91) & VERBALLY put on the full armour of God DAILY. (Eph 6:14-18).

7. Divine Partnership: "For Yours is the kingdom" (v13). Praise God for sharing His kingdom, power & glory with you (2Tim 4:18; Lk 10:19; Jn 17:22). This is the prayer that teaches you how to pray.

You may be interested to know that it should take one hour to pray the Lords pray, you will find as you go that it's not that difficult, & sometimes it could take longer.

The Greek word for prayer is proseuchomai. The word is progressive. Starting with the noun, euche, which is prayer to God also includes making a vow, the word expands to the verb euchomai, a special term describing an invocation, request, or entreaty. Adding pros, "in the direction of" (God) proseuchomai becomes the most frequent word for prayer.

Verses 9-13 teaches us to use The Lords Prayer as an outline daily for personal worship, intercession, petition, warfare, & praise.

Whereas the old Covenant focused on the external practices of devotion Jesus presents devotion as a matter of the heart. He contrasts sincere, heartfelt devotion with the external hypocritical, pretentious practices of the Pharisees. He warns His disciples against allowing even genuine good works to distract them from wholehearted devotion to Him. Devotion is a matter of developing an
intimate relationship with the living God, learning the warmth of a life that draws near to His Father heart. (v16).

Verse 14 says that we must understand that God forgives our sins as we forgive others who have sinned against us, & to adopt the forgiveness of others into our prayer life as a daily discipline.

Have you ever noticed that The Lords Prayer begins & ends with praise? We are to enter His gates with thanksgiving & come into His courts with praise (Ps 100:4). Jesus knew that when He instructed, "When you pray say, "Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name..."

Love says "our" faith says "Father." The omniscient, omnipotent creator God dwelling in eternity invites believers to call Him Father.

The word "hallow" is not a common word, but it means to sanctify or set a part; to praise; to adore. The phrase could be translated, "May Your name be sanctified." It is an expression of intense desire that God's name be recognised, set apart & adored.

We do not stop to realise that the name of the Lord can be either sanctified or profaned by our conduct. But ancient documents record that, because of a martyr's sacrificial death would frequently cause others to glorify God, the Hebrew idiom "to sanctify the name" was often understood to mean to give one's life for his faith.

What a powerful truth. We can sanctify God by the example of our righteous lives, as well as by our words of praise & adoration (Matt 5:16)
As we learn to follow Christ's pattern & to set apart, praise & adore the name of God, prayer will shift out of frustrating desire & determined discipline & move right on into holy delight.

This discipline will lead you into God's holy presence & cause you to walk in kingdom priorities. It will help you learn how to "pray in"
what you need & will enable you to get along with everybody all the time. It will help you face the devil & leave him sitting in the dirt. It will cause you to be the head & not the tail, to be above & not beneath. It will enable you to walk in victory every day of your life!

Pet 1:18-19
knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

Gal 4:4-6
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”
When you suddenly grab hold of this truth, there comes a warm & wonderful witness that, when you received Christ's forgiveness, you were
adopted into the family of God & accepted as His child & heir. God is your Father by virtue of the blood of Jesus. It testifies that all your sins are forgiven & "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities" Isa53;5 He washed our sins, with His own blood (Rev 1:5)

His blood testifies that we can boldly enter into the most holy place (Heb 10:19) Our body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit. who lives in us & a gift from God 1Cor 6:19.
Next the blood testifies that that Christ has made us free free from the law of sin & death (Rom 8:2) Jesus took the curse of our failure & insufficiency (Gal 3;13) & now we can always triumph in Christ
(2Cor 2:14).
Last of all His blood testifies that in our covenant relationship with God our Father, we are free from the fear of death & hell. Jesus Christ has abolished death & has brought life & immortality to light through the gospel (2 Tim 1:10)
When God wished to make a special revelation to Himself, He used the Word Jehovah. In that name He revealed Himself as the true & eternal
God, the One who is absolutely self-existent, the One who is unchangeable.
The significance & origin of the name Jehovah are especially brought out in God's revelation of Himself to Moses at the burning bush (Ex 3:13-15) Through four centuries of oppression in Egypt, the children of Israel had believed God in God's existence, but they had not experienced His presence. God proclaimed to Moses that He had personally come down to deliver His people from bondage & lead them into the promised land. But before His servant Moses could lead God's people, Moses had to learn who God was & is.

When the Lord first proclaimed to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM," the name He used for Himself was considered by Hebrew translators too sacred to be spoken aloud. So they used consonants YHEW or JHVH which we can read as Yahweh or Jehovah. Yahweh implies more then just God's existence; it implies His personal imitate presence. God's name Jehovah reveals His readiness to save His people & act for them. So the name Jehovah, or I AM THAT I AM, can be rendered, I am with you, ready to save & act just as I have always been.
In the Old Testament there are eight names compounded with the name Jehovah:
1. Jehovah-tisdkenu: which means Jehovah Our Righteousness ( Jer 23:5,6). This name the facet of God's character that transacts the redemption by which mankind is fully restored to God.

Jesus Christ our Jehovah-tisdkenu, (Sid-kay -noo) was substituted for us (Rom 5:17-19). The name "Jehovah Our Righteousness" reveals the method of our acceptance before God ("He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin...") & the measure of our acceptance ("That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him"
 [2 Cor 5:21)

Therefore as you pray, "Hallowed be thy name Jehovah-tisdkenu," thank God that He has already made a decision about your sins. In His mind He already says "I forgave you." All you have do now is come & appropriate that forgiveness, for the Bible says, "If we confess our sins He is faithful & just to forgive us & cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1Jn 1:9)

Righteousness equals Jesus Christ plus nothing. "You are complete in Him. (Col 2:10) Remember
the words from the old hymn "Rock of Ages": "In my hands no price I bring; simply to thy cross I cling"?

We were dead in trespasses & sins, but Jehovah-tisdkenu jumped in & saved us. "He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us so that we might be the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21).

If we can buy our way out, or confess our way out, we don't need a Saviour. But if we are dead in trespass we must have Jesus & exchange our sin & guilt for His righteousness & grace if we hope to obtain eternal life.
When we remember how Jesus carried our sin & died on the cross, we shouldn't have any trouble hallowing His name, Jehovah-tisdkenu, "the Lord My Righteousness."

But Jesus is more then our righteousness. He offers not only forgiveness of our sins; He offers deliverance from sin's dominion, because Jesus is our Sanctifier. The primary meaning of the Hebrew word "Sanctify" is to set apart for God's service." Believers are to be different from, set apart from, the world by obeying God's commands.

God is holy & set apart from His people, yet He sanctifies us & makes us holy in order that we might have fellowship with Him.
2. Jehovah-m'kaddesh (ma-kad -desh),Means the "Lord who sanctifies." But because this word has not been transliterated in our English Bible as have His other names, it has often escaped notice as one of the compound names of Jehovah.

God's Holy Spirit dwells in all believers & empowers them to live holy lives & to be spiritually & morally pure (1 cor 6:11; 1 Thes 4:3,4 1 Thes 5:23.) Therefore as you meditate on God's name, "Jehovah who sanctifies," Praise Him because the blood of Jesus not only takes away your sins; it breaks the power of sin in you. Thank Him that the blood of Christ does not overlook sin (Rom 6:17,18; Heb 13:12; 1Cor 6:9-11). Hallowed be thy name name, Jehovah-m'kaddesh, "the Lord who sanctifies."

Because God is your Father you enjoy the benefit of being in the New Covenant which is the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

3.Jehovah-shalom means "Jehovah is peace (Judg 6:24). The Hebrew word "Shalom" is most often translated "peace" & represents wholeness & harmony with God & contentment & satisfaction in life.

Christ's atonement is the basis for peace with God. Before mankind could be reconciled to God, someone had to pay the price of sin, which was death. Jesus Christ paid that price, & the fellowship between God & man which sin broke was atoned for by His blood (Col1:20-22)."The chastisement needful to obtain peace well-being was upon Him (Isa 53:5 Amp).

As Jesus died & His blood broke down the barrier of sin separating us from God, something supernatural occurred in the Jerusalem the inner veil separating the holy place from the holy of holies (the presence chamber of God which contained the ark & mercy seat stained by the sacrificial animal blood which was brought in by the high priest every year) was torn from top to bottom, opening the way for us to enter into the holy of holies-into the presence of God Himself (Heb 10:19-22).
Josephus, a first century Pharisee & historian, reported that this four inch thick veil, which was renewed each year, could not be pulled apart by horses tied to each side. It barred all but the high priest from the presence of God, but when it suddenly ripped apart from top to bottom at the death of Jesus Christ (Mk 15:37,38),access to God was made available to all who come to Him through Jesus.

Hallowed be thy name Jehovah-shalom, "the Lord is peace." Thank you for restoring peace to mankind which was lost through the fall.
4. Jehovah-shammah (sham'mah), means Jehovah is There (Ezk 48:35). Shammah is the Hebrew word meaning "the overflowing, ever present One." This name is the promise of the a Holy God dwelling in the midst of His people. It is the promise of His presence.

The presence of God Himself is in all believers, who are the living, growing, holy temple of God through the Spirit (Eph 2:20-22). The word used for "temple" in v 21does not refer to the temple in general, but the "sanctuary." In the sanctuary stood the alter of incense, in the holiest place of all was the mercy seat above which the divine presence of the shekinah glory hovered. Through Jesus, we are temples of clay, filled with the glorious presence of God.

Thank God that because our sins are forgiven we can be filled & flooded with God Himself: we can be filled with His Holy Spirit. & that's not all Jesus promised "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb 13:5) He sent the comforting, strengthening, interceding, communing Holy Spirit to your side. Hallowed be thy name. Jehovah- shammah, The Lord is There.

Remember you are hallowing God's name because of who He is & because of what He has done for you. As you meditate upon the various names of God your Father, affirm your faith by turning your thoughts of declarations of faith to praise.
Father you are Jehovah-tisdkenu. You are my righteousness. I stand before you righteous & forgiven because of the blood of your dear Son.

You are Jehovah-m'kaddesh, "the Lord who sanctifies." You comfort me into the image of your Son & break sins power over me.

You are Jehovah-shalom, my peace. Jesus made peace by the blood on His cross & reconciled me to you. Now your peace passes all understanding keeps my heart & my mind.
You are Jehovah-shammah. You have filled me with your overflowing presence & will never leaver nor forsake me. Thank you for living in me, Lord."
This is an example of what it means to hallow God's name & to make faith declarations based upon who He is & what He has done for you.

5.Jehovah-rophe (rophay) This means "Jesus Heals". The word rophe means to restore, cure, or heal not only in the physical sense but also in the spiritual & moral sense. Some people will try & tell you that God doesn't heal but that isn't true. They are lies from satan, the father of lies "...He is still the God that healeth thee.(Exd 15:26) He is the same yesterday to day & forever (Heb 13:8)
If you or someone you know needs healing, begin to thank the Lord that by His stripes you are healed (Isa 53:5; Matt8:16;17) Healing is already a finished work in the mind of God (1Pet 2:24). Make a faith declaration. Concentrate on the blood, not on yourself or how you feel. Concentrate upon who He is & upon what His blood has has purchased for you. As you praise
Him, He will be what you need Him to be-He will be Jehovah-rophe, the "Lord Who Heals."

Put yourself in a faith position before God. Remember, the greatest faith words ever spoken are "thank you" Therefore stir yourself up to give thanks for the stripes He took on His back for your healing. Hallow His name, Jehovah-rophe, & thank Him for the health & healing that are yours through Jesus Christ.
6. Jehovah-jireh (pronounced yeer'a but in Hebrew commonly pronounced "jirah") The Jehovah-jireh means "The Lord Who Sees' or "Jehovah's provision shall be seen" (Gen 22, especially v14) & Abraham called the name of the place the Lord will provide; as it is said to ths day, "in the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided". God Our Father sees our needs before hand & makes provision for them. His name Jehovah-jireh, is a revelation of God's willingness & ability to make provision for our sin & need. Because Jesus has taken the curse away, we are free from moral, financial, emotional, social, or spiritual failure, for God has ordained our success.

We can do all things though Christ... (Phil
4:13).Therefore as you hallow His name Jehovah-jireh, thank God that you are free from the curse. Make the praise declaration that Jesus, who was made a curse for you, has freed you, & you do not have to live under the curse of the law.
7. Jehovah-nissi (nis'-see), means Jehovah my Banner (Exd 17:15). The word for "banner" might be translated "pole, ensign, or standard". among the Jews, it is also a word meaning "miracle." As an ensign or standard, it was a railing point to kindle hope & efforts, a signal raised on an elevated place on a special occasion. the banner presented God's cause, His battle, & was a sign of deliverance & salvation.

7. Jehovah-rohi (ro'ee),means "Jehovah My Shepherd" (Ps 23).The primary meaning of rohi or ro'eh is to feed or to lead to pasture, as a shepherd does his flock." It can also be translated "companion" or "friend."
Jesus is the Shepherd of His people (Jn 10:11;Heb 13:20), & he feeds, leads, protects, & cares for His sheep. Because He His our Shepherd we do not have to fear death (Ps23:1,4,6; 1Cor 15:55-57).

AS you meditate upon the cross, praise the Lord that you are free from death & hell because your sin was taken away at Calvary. Praise Him because you will never perish, but have eternal life. Focus on Jesus who was crucified & declare: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me... (Gal2:20).
Consider this that if you are a believer if someone shot you right now, your earthly body would slum in death but your living spirit would go mediately into the presence of the Lord (2Cor 5:8) Once your spirit grasps the truth that you are an eternal creature who will never die, you will live differently, talk differently, & walk differently. You are an eternal being.

Thank God That He is your Banner who has conquered death, hell & the grave. Praise the Lord because He is your Shepherd who will lead you through the valley of the shadow of death & into the house of the Lord where you will dwell for ever (Ps23:6). Hallowed be thy name, Jehovah-nissi, "the Lord My Banner." Hallowed be thy name, Jehovah-jireh, "The Lord my Banner. Hallowed be thy name Jehovah-rohi. "The Lord My Shepherd.
Phil 2:9-11
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The knee of every foe must bow & acknowledge Jesus Christ's supreme authority, power & dominion. The full character & nature of God the Father are found on the name of Jesus. The Jehovah names of God apply to Jesus who said "I come in My Father's name" (Jn5:43) In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (Col2:9).

Prayer outline.
I. Our Father which art in heaven.
a. Form a mental picture of the shed blood of Jesus on the cross.
b. Thank God you can call Him "Father" by virtue of that blood.
II. Hallowed be thy name.

a. Benefit 1: Sin-forgiveness of sin & deliverance from sin's dominion.
1. Hallow His name.
a. Jehovah-tisdkenu: Jehovah Our Righteousness
b. Jehovah-m'kaddesh Jehovah Who Sancitifies.
2. Make your faith declarations.

B. Benefit 2: Spirit-fullness of the Holy Spirit.
1 Hallow His name.
a Jehovah-shalom: Jehovah Is Peace.
b Jehovah-shammah: Jehovah Is There.
2 Make your faith declarations.

C. Benefit 3 Soundness-health & healing.
1 Hallow His name.
a Jehovah-rophe. Jehovah heals.
Make your faith declarations

Benefit 4 Success-freedom from the curse.
1. Hallow His name.
a Jehovah-jireh Gods provision shall be seen.
2. Make your faith declarations

E. Benefit 5: Security-freedom from fear of death
& hell.
1 Hallow His name.
a. Jehovah-rohi: Jehovah My Shepherd.
b. Jehovah-nissi: Jehovah My Banner.
2. Make your faith declaration.
III. Am I taking the Lords name in vain?

A. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in which you may be taking the Lords name in vain.

B Submit yourself to the Lordship of Christ.
IV. Pray in the spirit, worshipping & making melody in your heart to the Lord.

Acknowledgement Larry Lea. It has been said that Larry Lea is the father of the international prayer movement. Oral Roberts called him the Apostle of prayer.

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