may wonder what it means to receive Communion. Most Christians recognise this
as a holy & sacred time set aside under the leadership of the Church, when
believers partake in the bread & the fruit of the vine as a reminder of
Jesus' finished work on the cross. This can be celebrated once a week, once a
month or even once a year. The bread & the wine or fruit juice as we use,
are called the sacrament.
have two sacraments baptism & communion on the other hand Catholics &
the Greek orthodox add this list Confirmation, penance, extreme unction,
ordination & matrimony.
Catholic participate in this meal they call it the Eucharist which means
thanksgiving in the Greek. Today we give thanks by saying grace at the dinner
table. Catholics believe that the bread becomes the literal body of Christ
& the wine the literal blood of Jesus. This teaching is called
transubstantiation. They say that in Mass, the same sacrifice that Jesus
offered on the cross is offered again. This doctrine says that somehow the
bread & the fruit of the vine are miraculously changed into the literal
body & blood of Jesus when blessed by the Priest.
believe that when Jesus took the bread & the wine & gave them to the
disciples & said (Matt26:26-28) Take eat this is my body. then He took
the cup & gave thanks & gave it to them saying "Drink from it all
of you For this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for the remission
of sins".
was not speaking literally because He was with them holding the cup & the
bread in his hands. Jesus identified the cup as the fruit of the vine in verse
29. Therefore the elements of the supper have not changed.
think that Christ was representing His body & blood by comparing them to the bread & the fruit of the vine
of communion. He often spoke in metaphors in Jn15:5 He called Himself the vine,
& that we are the branches & abide in Him, but He did not mean that He
was a piece of the vegetation, What He was saying in fact was that He would
prune us & cut away things whic no longer bear the kind of fruit He desires
to show. & in Jn 10:9 He said that He was the door but He certainly was not
saying that He was going to change Himself into a piece of wood. Here He was
saying that He would protect His sheep in the fold from false prophets &
from agents of the Antichrist.
the sheepfold through Jesus is a saving action & provides the sheep with an abundant life
& provision.
point to consider is that He said do this in remembrance of Me (Lk22:19) We are
to celebrate the Lords Supper often. Approach it with faith receiving the life
& healing it provides. It is a memorial of His accomplished work. So if He
literally became the bread & the wine, then it would no longer be in
in Matt 26:26-28 when Jesus was holding the
cup & the bread, stating this was the blood of the new covenant, IF He was
turning the elements into His literal body, then He was in His body while
holding another body in His hands. Although Christ had the nature of God &
man, He was not two separate bodies.
we believe the bread & cup actually become the body & blood of Christ
when partaking in communion we are denying thee things:
We deny Christ's finished work on the cross, when He cried it is finished. A
sacrifice that needs to be repeated again & again is neither perfect nor
We deny the priestly office of Christ. If the communion elements were His
literal body & blood, then the elements themselves would become the
sacrifice for sins. For anyone besides Christ to offer Our Lords body &
blood to God as a sacrifice of sin would be to rob our heavenly High Priest of
His glory.
are denying Christ's human nature. If His literal body can be in more then one
place at a time, then He did not have a body like our nature.
Mk 14:22-24 is what we commonly refer to
as the last supper. Jesus wanted to eat a final meal with His disciples &
be strengthened in their fellowship before facing the agony that was ahead of
Him. During the last meal He spoke prophetically, instructing them to partake
of His broken body & shed blood by eating & drinking the bread &
wine In V24 He made clear that His blood would seal & ratify, or validate,
the new covenant they were to have with Almighty God. Today we remember Jesus'
shed blood & broken Body through our taking Communion.
many others I had received & participated in communion services without
truly understanding what I was doing. I knew the bread & the juice
represented the body & blood of Jesus. I knew He instructed that we eat
& drink of it in remembrance of Him. But there is a much deeper & more
glorious meaning of communion.
Communion was never intended to be an empty ritual with little or no meaning to
those participating in it. 1st we take the bread: Jesus is the bread of life,
He is the Word made flesh (Jn 6:35; 1:14). Our body lets us know when we are
hungry, our stomach may growl, we may get cranky or light headed, you may not
be aware that our spirit can also get hungry, so as we partake of the bread we
take Him as our living Bread, the only source that can truly satisfy our hunger
in life. We remember what He has done for us.
We take Him as our living Drink, the only source that can satisfy our
thirst. As we drink of the cup it is equivalent of sprinkling blood or shedding
blood of the sacrifice of His body. It
is important that we take both the bread & the cup. If people attempt to
remove the blood, they are attempting to remove the power of the Gospel.
can & should be a fresh dedication in our lives to the Lord, a reminder of
the blood covenant that we have with God because Jesus stood in our place. In
His great love for us, He took our sins upon Himself & remembers them no
more. His sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to receive His
salvation, mercy, grace & favour.
the Christian church, believers recognise the historical application of the
Passover & the prophetic fulfilment of Christ, who, as God's Lamb, died
during Passover (Matt 26:19). As the Jewish Passover reminds the Hebrews of
their great day of redemption from Egypt & their future promise of
inheriting the promised land, so communion is a reminder of our redemption
through Christ's suffering & of our future inheritance with Christ in
the 1st Passover, the flesh of a lamb was eaten at the table of the Hebrew
family, & the lamb's flesh brought supernatural healing for the journey
through the wilderness. The blood on the door stopped the destroying angel from
taking the life from the first born. So the body & the blood of the
passover lamb brought complete healing & redemption.
body of Christ, God's final Lamb, brought healing through the wounds &
stripes on His body & salvation through His blood on the Cross. Communion
is a sign of our belief in Christ's finished work of salvation.
you take communion, realise that Jesus has given you His best. Remember that He
shed His blood & gave His life for you. Communion is a time to examine your
life ask for forgiveness in areas where it is needed. It is also a good time to
release your faith & ask God for healing in your physical body, as well as
every other area of your life.
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