that you know who your Heavenly Father
& His will for your life. It is important that you understand some
of the characteristics of the enemy-satan. This will help you recognise when he
has been at work. Remember that satan has been defeated by Jesus, & so as a
child of God you don't have to allow him to influence your life.
Apostle John explains the difference between the purpose of God & that of
the devil.
10:10 ( N L T) the thief’s purpose is to steel & Kill & destroy. My
Purpose (Jesus) is to give them (you) a rich & satisfying life.
you ever had anything stolen? Even if you have replaced the article that was
stolen it probably a trying experience. As difficult as that might have been,
however, satan,-the thief-wants you to do even more damage in your life. He
does not want to steel your bicycle or sound equipment or even your car-he
wants to rob you of the joy peace & hope that you have found in God. BUT be
encouraged: Jesus your good Shepherd, has saved you & gives you abundant
life. Ask Him to restore anything satan has robbed from you & to teach you
how to walk in the abundant life He has promised you.
has one goal & that is destruction. He comes to kill, steel & destroy
everything good that God has in mind for you. Jesus said that He has come that
we might enjoy our lives.
you enjoying life? Are you enjoying every facet of life? Or just what you
consider to be the fun fun parts? I truly believe that through the power of the
Holy Spirit we can enjoy EVERYTHING. We can enjoy our work & times of
waiting. We can enjoy the journey & not just the destination. Life is
really all about the journey. Even when a train arrives at whatever station it
is headed for, it soon leaves again for another station. We spend more time
waiting then we do arriving. God created us to be goal-oriented. Once we reach
the goal, it is not long before we are setting another one. we must learn to
enjoy where we are- on the way to where we are going.
of the ways satan steels from us by making us think we can only enjoy certain
things & not other things. BUT the truth is that we can get a new mind set
& DECIDE to enjoy everything in life. We need to learn that when
circumstances change we do not have to change with them. We must refuse to
allow satan to upset us. When he steals from us or aggravates us he really does
not want our goods BUT our joy.
is wasted if we allow ourselves to be miserable all the time. Jesus said in JN
14:27 that He left us His peace & we are to stop allowing ourselves to be
upset. He has given us gifts & responsibilities. We are partners with God.
His part is to provide peace & joy, our part is not to let the devil steal
it. Decide today to start enjoying your life.
is also know as the thief, the devil & Lucifer. The Bible is so clear that
he does exist, & that he his able to operate here on earth.
Corn4:4 (N L T) Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds
of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the
good news. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is
the exact likeness of God.
is the god of this age & he binds the minds of the people, they choose not
to believe resulting in their inability to see the Glory of Christ.
12:31 (N L T) The time for judging this world has come, when satan, the
ruler of this world, will be cast out.
used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil-the
commander of the powers of the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the
hearts of those who refuse to obey God.
Ezk 28:12-19 we see some of the details
that God gives about the devils life as an angel & his demise.
Gen 3:10-15 we see that Adam had been clothed with God's glory before he
sinned. as soon as Adam & Eve sinned, they realised they were naked. We
might say that they lost their covering. As long as they obeyed God they were
protected from everything the devil wanted to do to them-& ultimately,
through them. Seeing what the devil had done, God immediately announced
satans's doom & told him how it would occur.Satan did not really understand
what God was saying; nevertheless, God said it & it had to come to pass: He
said in Gen 3:15 NKJ) "& I will put enmity between you & the
woman, & between your offspring & her offspring; He shall your head
underfoot, & you bruise His heel".
bruise the heel symbolises a weakening of authority, God said that the woman's
offspring (Jesus) will take a way satan's authority. Satan will bruise Jesus'
heel (that is afflict) His body-on both the cross & by afflicting mankind.
Jesus' death on the cross, God took satan's authority (which Adam gave him) & gave it first to
Jesus & then to every person who will believe-not only that Jesus died for
them, but also that satan lost his authority over them. We need to understand
not only that Jesus died for us, but also that He has redeemed us.
matter what the devil tries to do to you, he is doomed to defeat, & you are
redeemed & victorious over him.
Isa 14:12-15 Self will destroyed Lucifer in exalting himself, he said " I
will five times: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the
stars of God, I will sit on the mount of the congregation, I will ascend above
the heights of the clouds, &I will be like the most High, BUT God has an
answer for him, He said "you shall be brought down to Sheol (Hades) to the
innermost recesses of the pit (the region of the dead)"In other words
satan you will be cast into hell".
need to guard against self-will by following Jesus' example. Sooner or later
God will ask you to do something contrary to your will, & you will need to
remember what Jesus said, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass
away from me; nevertheless, not my will but Your will (Matt 26:39)
getting our own way is one of the most painful things we ever go through in
life. When we want something, we really want it, & we do not give up
easily. We certainly do not like to vote against our own desires! It takes a
lot of humility & brokenness to bring us to the place where we are pliable
in the hands of God, to the point where we can say "Well, God I'd rather
not do this, but I am willing to do whatever you want.
lesson here is we must be willing to do what God says & not what we think,
feel or want. We must deny ourselves if we are going to follow Him. We need to
say "your will God be done in my life" & We must really mean it.
are afraid that we will never get the things we want if we deny ourselves, but
God will give us what we desire, & even better, in due time. Do not be
afraid to delay gratification & trust God to give you what you really need.
Rev12 satan is called the accuser of the brethren. He tries to make us feel
guilty & condemned. When we feel unhealthy, guilty, & condemnation, we
must remember that God does not make us feel that way. He wants us to
experience His love & feel the power of His forgiveness. Guilt depresses us
& make us feel as though we are under a heavy burden. Jesus came to lift us
up, to bring good news that our sins are forgiven & the penalty of them
removed. Resist guilt & condemnation by embracing the salvation authority
of Christ in your life.
Lk 10:18 Jesus says "I saw satan fall like lightening from Heaven.
was not a vision that Jesus had seeing satan cast out of Heaven, but rather He
saw the ultimate defeat & doom of satan.
was created as an angel & is therefore limited to the abilities of an
angel, & does not possess the same characteristics of God. Satan is NOT
omniscient (all knowing) or omnipotent (all powerful) or omnipresent
1:13 NLT) says Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness, &
has transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son.
should be thanking the Lord for delivering us out of the control of the
dominion of darkness & transferring us into the kingdom of the Son of His
love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
jn 4:4 (N K J) You are of God little children, & have overcome them, (
the agents of the Antichrist) because He that is in you is greater then He that
is in the world.
can be assured that the victory is ours now that we are in Christ, therefore we
can be bold & fight against any attack of the enemy.
Eph 6:10-12 the apostle Paul explains the weaponry & armour we have to
stand firm against the devil, we call this the armour of God.
L T) A final word be strong in the Lord & in His mighty power.
Put on all of God's armour so that you will be able to stand firm against all
strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh & blood
enemies, but against evil rulers & authorities of the unseen world, mighty
powers in this dark world, & against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
armour is found in Eph 6: 14-18 (N K J) Stand therefore having girded your
waist with truth, having put on the
breastplate of righteousness, having shod your feet with the preparation of the
gospel of peace; above all talking the shield of faith with which you will be
able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. & take the helmet of
salvation & the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Praying
always with all prayer & supplication in the Spirit being watchful to this
end with all perseverance & supplication for all the saints.
12 gives insight into the spiritual war that all believers are in. Our enemies
are not natural but spiritual. We can never win our battles if we fight against
the wrong source in a wrong way. We tend to think that people or circumstances
are our problem, but the source of many of our troubles is satan & his
demons. We cannot fight him with carnal (natural) weapons, but only with supernatural
ones that God gives us for the destruction of satan's strongholds which is
anything opposing God's will.
you ever leave home half dressed? No of course not! BUT many of us often forget
to put on our spiritual clothing. Every day the forces of satan wage war
against both you & me, & it is important to be protected with this
spiritual protection & authority, you can stand against evil forces. Learn
about your Spiritual armour in (Eph 6:10-18), & as you put on your clothes
on each day, also put on your armour & pick up your sword which is the Word
of God. For example, walking in peace is equivalent to putting on your shoes of
peace, or walking in righteousness is equivalent to putting on the breastplate
of righteousness which protects your heart from condemnation. God supplies the
armour you need to defeat all the attacks of the devil BUT you must put it on.
of us fight battles in the realm of our emotions, but as we see from these
verses that our battle is not just with
our emotions, but with the spiritual forces that play on our emotions.
We are told in the NKJ that we do not war with
flesh & blood, but against principalities & powers, rulers of darkness
of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This means we war
against strong entities.
is important for us to know that we cannot fight darkness with darkness. I
believe the best way to resist & overcome our powerful spiritual enemy is
not by venting our anger & frustration in some fleshly manner. Rather we
need to put on our spiritual armour as described in verses 13-17 & yield
ourselves to the power & presence of the Holy Spirit within us & we
pray according to V 18.I know some do not speak in tongues, but those who don't
can worship in their own understanding (your own language) & put on praise
& worship music, if you don't have your own there is always the internet, U
Tube has all you need.
1 Tim 6:12 Paul encourages us to fight the good fight (N L T) Fight the good
fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has
called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.
Paul didn't say fight if you feel like it or have that sort of personality.
Every believer must fight the good fight of faith, satan will wage on believers
& he doesn't fight fair.
part of fighting the good fight of faith is to recognise our enemy. As long as
we are passive, satan will torment us. Nothing is going to change about our situation if all we do is
sit & wish things were different. We have to take action. All too often we
do not move against the enemy when he comes against us with
discouragement, fear, doubt, & or
guilt. We believe his lies when we should stand against them with the truth of
God's Word.
& I are not supposed to be punching bags for the devil; instead we are
called to be fighters & respond aggressively to his attacks.
devil tries to trick us into fighting with others around us. BUT God wants us
to forget all the rubbish that satan stirs up within us to get us offended
toward other people. Instead He wants us to fight against the spiritual enemies
who try to war over our lives & steal out peace & joy.
encourage you to take Paul's words to heart. Lay hold of the eternal life you
have been called to receive & fight the good fight of faith.
4:7 tells how deal with the enemy (N K J)
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil & he will flee from
verse teaches to renounce all rebellion, Submit yourself to God. Renounce the
devil & reject all his suggestions.
must remember that the devil is NOT going to sit back & allow us to take
new ground without putting up a fight. Any time we make progress in building
the kingdom of God, our enemy is going to come against us. BUT this verse tell
us that if we submit to God & resist
the enemy he will flee from us.
Mk 16:17 Jesus explained to His disciples ...& these signs will follow
them that believe; In my name they shall cast out demons...
16:15 records what we commonly refer to as the great commission & He said
to them "Go into al the world preach & publish openly the Good News
(the gospel) to every creature of the whole human race". People from
every Christian Church accept & attempt to carry this verse. Yet two verses
later Jesus says that believers will cast out demons, speak in tongues, &
lay hands on the sick. Some Churches do not practice these things, & sadly
many teach against them.
honestly believe that a few moments of sincere thought will reveal to the
seeking soul that if Jesus meant for us to carry Mk 16:15 then He intended for us to carry out verses
17 & 18 as well. It is dangerous business to pick & choose Scriptures.
If we are going to follow the full Gospel, we cannot take the Scriptures we are
comfortable with & ignore the rest. We need the whole counsel of God's
Word, not just bits & pieces of it.
10:17 NKJ) Then the seventy returned with joy, saying "Lord even the
demons are subject to us in Your Name."
name of Jesus signifies His authority. Satan will attempt to deprive you from
God"s best for your life. DO not give him any place in your life.
Pet 5:8(N LT) Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy the devil. He
prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
a healthy balance in all things is so important! that we do not open the door
to satan who roams around hungrily seeking to devour us. I want to share with
you some thoughts that will help you stay balanced. I want to focus on self
image as it such a foundational issue.
know that God created you, & He loves you.
2) I have faults & weaknesses, & I want
to change. I believe God is working in my life. He is changing me bit by bit,
day by day. While He is working on me I can still enjoy my life & myself.
Everyone has faults, so I am not a failure just because I am not perfect.
I am going to work with God to overcome my weaknesses, but I realise that I
will always have something to deal with; therefore I will not become
discouraged when God convicts me of areas in my life that needs improvement.
want to make people happy & have them like me , but my sense of worth is
not dependent upon what others think of me. Jesus has already affirmed my value
by His willingness to die for me.
I will not be controlled by what others think, say, or do. Even if they totally
reject me, I will survive. God has promised me never to reject or condemn me as
long as I live as I keep believing (Jn 6:29)
No matter how often I fail, I will not give up because God is with me to strengthen & sustain
me. He has promised never to leave or forsake me(Heb13:5)
I like myself. I do not like everything I do, & I want to change-but I
refuse to reject myself.
I am right with God through Jesus Christ.
God has a good plan for my life. I am going to fulfil my destiny & be all I
can be for His glory. I have God given
gifts & talents, & I intend to use them to help others.
am nothing & yet I am everything! In myself I am nothing, & yet in
Jesus I am everything I need to be.
I can do everything God calls me to do, through His son Jesus Christ
we do not maintain balance in our lives satan will take advantage of the door
we have opened. I encourage you to check your life & if you find any areas
out of balance, ask God to help you make the necessary adjustments.
4:26&27 tell us to let go of our anger before going to bed. There is a
problem here as we might become angry just before going to bed. If we get angry
in the morning we have all day to get over it. Becoming angry just before
bedtime means we have a quick decision to make about what to do with our anger.
may be wondering why it is unwise to go to bed angry. I think it is because
while we sleep, what we are angry about has time to fester in us. & the
Word admonishes us not to leave room for the devil to gain a foothold through
our anger. If we refuse to get over our anger, we open the door for the devil
& give him a foothold. Once he gets a foothold in our lives, he sees an
opportunity to move on to another stronghold.
encourage you today to deal with any anger quickly & decisively so the
devil sees no opportunity to take advantage of the situation. No matter how you
feel you can choose to forgive & walk in love.
10:19 NLT) God says "Look I have given you authority over all the power
of the enemy, & you can walk on among snakes & scorpions & crush
them. Nothing will injure you".
& scorpions are symbols of spiritual enemies & demonic power, over
which Jesus has given His followers (you) power.
satan is a defeated enemy, & his ultimate punishment has already been
decided. His time is limited to impact the earth, & as a child of God you
have authority to overcome his attacks.
Acknowledgement I
Believe An Introduction to Christian Living. Rhema Family Church.
Joyce Meyer.